Thursday, July 31, 2008

summary of the mystery at the haunted house

A fun day at the amusement park turns into a mystery when Cam's
Aunt Katie realizes that her wallet has been stolen
inside the haunted house. The haunted house is full of scary noises
and sounds and plastic skeletons, but is someone-or something hiding in-
side that is far more frightning who is stealing wallets from
people hiding inside? Cam is going to find out.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

the summary of the scary snake mystery

Cam,Eric ,and Mrs.Jansen are spending an eventful after noon in the big city.
First a snake is let loose on the steps of the library.
Then Mrs.Jansen's bag is stolen-with her video camera inside. Could the
two events be related.It will take Cam's photographic memory to find out and help
catch the crafty criminal

Monday, July 28, 2008

summary of the school play mystery

Cam's best friend,Eric is starring as Honest Abe Lincoln in the school play.But
when all of the money that is raised from ticket sales disappears,it seems that
there is somebody lurking around that is far from honest.Cam, Ms.Benson,and
the police officers find the thief who stole the money.He gives it all back and
Ms.Benson asks him to watch the school play to teach him a lesson about being honest.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

summary of the mystery of the missing dinosaur bones

When Cam and all her classmates go to the museum, Cam notices that some bones are missing from the Coelophysis's tail. Cam then sees that a different milk truck comes to the museum.She begins to think that the milkman stole the bones.And he did.Cam and Eric manage to find them and return them to the the museum.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

summary of the chocolate fudge mystery

Cam and Eric never expected to find a mystery while while selling candy door-to door for their school fundraiser project-but thats exactly what they find.When Cam notices that their is a full trash can outside of a house that is supposed to be deserted, she suspects that some one is hiding in side it.Cam doesnt know who but she is going to find out

Monday, July 21, 2008

summary of the first day of school mystery

It's the first day of fifth grade,and cam and Eric cant wait to meet their new
teacher.But no sooner does the day begin,then two policemen come and arrest Ms.Benson!Surely there must be some kind of mistake.Will cam be able to solve this incredible first day of
school mystery?

Saturday, July 19, 2008

the summary of the catnapping mystery

While visiting her aunt molly at a hotel, cam stumbles on another mystery.One of the
guests at the hotel is missing her luggage and her beloved cat,Little Tiger.She gave little tiger to a bellhop to take to her room.But the cat never arrived and the bellhop has vanished . Can cam use her photographic memory to find the kitty?

Friday, July 18, 2008

summary of princess ellie's starlight adventure

When the king gets angry because there are hoof prints in the royal garden,Ellie knows that they are not made by her ponies.The next day there are more hoof prints and the queen's prized petunias are destroyed.Ellie must find out who is doing this to the royal garden even if it means
setting out on a scary starlight adventure. So she stays up all night and manages to ca-pture the pony,but she doesnt want to give it back to the owner.And the king says it has to be returned to its rightful owner.So Ellie gives it back to the owner but the owner says she doesnt have anyone to ride and her legs hurt so she lets ellie have it.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Summary of the secret service mystery

Cam jansen and her classmates are attending the dedication of a new library
for their school.Since the governer,who is running for president,is also attending,police officers and Secret Service agents are there as well. Suddenly a loud noise that sounds like a gunshot goes off. Nearly every one in the room drop to the ground. The Secret Service agents think that
its just a student prank.But Cam disagrees and is determined to get to the bottom of it